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Cenolophium denudatum

Cenolophium denudatum
Cenolophium denudatumCenolophium denudatumCenolophium denudatumCenolophium denudatum

Brand:  The Plantsman's Preference
Family:  Apiaceae
Main Season:  Summer
Flower Colour:  White
Leaf Colour:  Green
Foliage:  Deciduous
Position:  Sun
Soil Type:  Ordinary, medium loam
Height:  45cm to 60cm (18" to 2')
Peat Free?  Yes
Hardiness Guide:  RHS H6 minimum -15C to -20C
Pot Size:  9cm



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Clumps of fine cut dark green leaves and wiry stems topped with heads of white flowers in summer. Long lived and hardy. Ordinary soil in sun. 45cm.

An umbellifer that can be relied upon in the garden!  Cenolophium denudatum is soundly perennial and will flower year after year without the annoying habit of pegging it after flowering that many other umbellifers have.

Attractive, finely cut, spring foliage appears in February and by mid summer the strong, wiry, near black stems will have appeared bearing the umbels of white flowers up to between 60cm and 90cm depending on your soil.  After flowering the seedheads are persistant and can be retained long into winter.

Easy in a sunny position in drained soil but it will also grow in light or part shade.  Just not in waterlogged soil!

From woodland to meadow from eastern Europe through to Siberian Russia.

Lots of synonyms, the most common; Athamanta denudata, Angelica fischeri and Cenolophium fischeri.

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