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For those who need the new plants here are the 25 most recently added plants. Not necessarily new but just new to the website, or sometimes a plant we haven't had available for some time.

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Hedera helix 'Francis'

Hedera helix 'Francis'£5.00

Sharply pointed, multi-divided leaves with prominent veins. Forms dense mats or can climb. Distinctive.

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Oxalis tetraphylla 'Reverse Iron Cross'

Oxalis tetraphylla 'Reverse Iron Cross'£5.00

An unusual form with lush green leaves with fine brown marks (compared to a big blob!) and the usual brick pink-red flowers all summer. Mostly hardy given drained soil. 15cm.

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Geranium tuberosum

Geranium tuberosum£5.00

A summer dormant species from the Mediterranean with deeply divided leaves and heads of blue windmill-like flowers in spring. 30cm. Drained soil in sun.

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Iris sibirica 'Flight of Butterflies'

Iris sibirica 'Flight of Butterflies'£5.00

AGM A more natural look with clouds of small bright royal blue flowers, the falls more white with heavy blue veining. Good soil, sun. 1m.

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Scutellaria tournefortii

Scutellaria tournefortii£5.00

Elegant upright spires of white flowers highlighted with a light blue-purple to 45cm. Ordinary soil in sun or light shade. Doesn't self-seed here.

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Schoenoplectus lacustris 'Zebrinus'

Schoenoplectus lacustris 'Zebrinus'£5.00

Clumps of stiffly upright leaves with bright white horizontal bands, potentially to 1.8m if wet enough. For pond margins or bog garden.

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Symphyotrichum laeve 'White Climax'

Symphyotrichum laeve 'White Climax'£5.50

A striking white flowered form of 'Climax', the flowers contrasting well with the dark green foliage. Best in good soil in full sun. Usually to 1.2m but potentially to 1.8m.

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Kniphofia 'Incandesce'

Kniphofia 'Incandesce'£7.00

AGM Splendid flaming spikes of bright coral-orange buds that don't fade as they open until they are going over giving a small cream section at the base of the head. Sun, drained soil. 1m.

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Aquilegia desertorum

Aquilegia desertorum£5.00

A small species from high altitude in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah in the USA. Grey ferny foliage (often slightly variegated) and delicate red and pale yellow flowers to 30cm.

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Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy'

Eucomis comosa 'Sparkling Burgundy'£7.20

AGM Near white flowers soon flush pink then near purple on dark burgundy stems over clumps of striking leaves the same colour. Full sun, drained soil. 60cm.

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Gladiolus 'Ruby' (papilio hybrid)

Gladiolus 'Ruby' (papilio hybrid)£6.00

Stunning two-tone ruby red hooded flowers on this natural looking Gladiolus. Makes an excellent garden plant and will increase well in drained soil in full sun. 90cm.

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Miscanthus nudipes

Miscanthus nudipes£8.50

A new species to us collected in Yunnan, China. Clumps of upright, arching stems with a distinctly greyish appearance. Pinkish summer flowers soon turn a silvery grey by autumn. 1.2m.

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Galtonia princeps

Galtonia princeps£6.00

Rare with green and white flowers with very pinched tops and flared "bells" in good heads to 75cm. Drained soil in sun, not too dry or wet! Syn Ornithogalum p.

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Hosta sp TCM 12-838

Hosta sp TCM 12-838£6.00

Wild collected species (second generation seedlings). Neat clumps of narrow light green leaves and plenty of violet blue flowers to 40cm in early to mid summer. Good soil.

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Kniphofia 'Bee's Sunset'

Kniphofia 'Bee's Sunset'£5.50

AGM Neat clumps bearing masses of glowing yellow-orange flower spikes in summer to 80cm. Dark stems add to the effect. Drained but good soil in full sun for best flowers.

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Viola hederacea

Viola hederacea£5.00

A striking little violet with white flowers boldly centred a rich purple. Summer flowering. Low spreading habit with distinct rounded leaves. Shelter, 15cm. Sun or light shade.

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Carex muskingumensis 'Silberstreif'

Carex muskingumensis 'Silberstreif'£5.00

A sparkling creamy white variegated form of the Palm Sedge for part shade and decent soil that doesn't dry out too much. Deciduous but retains presence overwinter. 50cm.

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Deschampsia cespitosa

Deschampsia cespitosa£5.00

Tussocks of long narrow rich green foliage and purple tinted bronze-gold flowers in early summer to 75cm-1.2m. Best in some shade and not too rich soil.

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Hesperantha huttonii

Hesperantha huttonii£5.00

Delicate looking grassy leafed Iris relative with clusters of light sugar pink flowers from early summer til autumn. Even flowering size bulbs are tiny. 30cm. Drained soil in full sun.

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Liriope muscari

Liriope muscari£5.00

Clumps of strappy evergreen leaves and spikes of purple flowers in autumn to 30cm. A good form. Decent soil in sun or shade.

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Symphytum x uplandicum 'Moorland Heather'

Symphytum x uplandicum 'Moorland Heather'£5.00

A lovely deep purple form with matching rich green leaves. Main flowering in spring and early summer, cut back for an autumn flush too. Clumps to 60cm, sun or light shade.

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Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Leanne'

Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Leanne'£5.50

A new cultivar from Alan Bremner (2024) with clear pink flowers with a distinct white centre held well above the evergreen foliage. Good autumn colour. 20cm.

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Vestia foetida

Vestia foetida£7.50

A unusual shrubby plant with glossy green foliage and a good display of tubular, hanging light yellow flowers in spring and summer. Shelter, drained soil. 1.5m.

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Berberis wilsoniae

Berberis wilsoniae£14.50

An attractive upright arching shrub with small leaves and clusters of golden yellow flowers followed by glowing red berries that persist well into winter. 1.2m.

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Molinia caerulea ssp. caerulea 'Jahreslauf'

Molinia caerulea ssp. caerulea 'Jahreslauf'£5.00

Tight clumps of neat foliage and relatively tall stems bearing dark flowers in midsummer. Good autumn colour. 1.2m. Reasonable soil in full sun.

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