All Other Perennials

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Acanthus hirsutus ssp. syriacus

Acanthus hirsutus ssp. syriacus£6.00

A compact species with more entire greyish leaves and spikes of creamy flowers nestled amongst reddish-purple bracts. Well drained soil in full sun. 60cm.

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Acanthus hungaricus MESE561

Acanthus hungaricus MESE561£6.50

(Collected as A. balcanicus MESE 561) A neat, deciduous, plant with jagged green foliage and stocky spikes of soft pink flowers from green bracts. Drained soil in full sun. 30-60cm.

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Acanthus mollis 'Long Spike'

Acanthus mollis 'Long Spike'£6.50

Originating in Beth Chatto's Essex garden this superb form of the species produces spectacular, well, long spikes of pinkish flowers to between 1.2 and 1.5m. Sun, drained soil.

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Acanthus mollis 'Rue Ledan'

Acanthus mollis 'Rue Ledan'£7.20

A pure white flowered form of this reliable garden perennial. Big clumps of deep green jagged foliage and spikes of flowers to 90cm. Average soil in sun is best.

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Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'

Acorus gramineus 'Ogon'£5.00

A valuable, evergreen, yellow variegated version. Lovely for its bright winter effect. Grass-like arching foliage to 30cm in average to good soil in shade or part sun.

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Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus'

Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus'£5.00

Beautiful creamy variegated arching foliage on this evergreen perennial for good to wet soil in at least some shade. Really tough but best out of cold winds. 25cm.

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Actaea spicata

Actaea spicata£5.00

Clumps of cut light green foliage and spikes of creamy white flowers in summer followed by black berries in autumn. Deciduous woodland plant preferring at least some shade and decent soil. 60cm.

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Agapanthus 'Taw Valley'

Agapanthus 'Taw Valley'£10.00

A delightful dwarf form with grassy foliage and dense rounded heads of rich blue flowers in summer. Drained soil in sun. Deciduous and hardy here. 60cm.

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Ajuga reptans 'Julia'

Ajuga reptans 'Julia'£5.00

Striking spires of clean pink flowers rise above lightly bronzed foliage in spring. Very floriferous and a good doer making a low evergreen carpet. 15-20cm.

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Albuca sp. G&L13

Albuca sp. G&L13£6.50

Collected Sentinel Peak in the Drakensburg Mtns. Deciduous foliage and strong stems of green stiped white flowers in summer to 50cm. Hardy to -10C when kept dry here.

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Althaea armeniaca

Althaea armeniaca£5.00

Lovely tall, branched stems bear masses of light pink flowers from summer into autumn. Airy and elegant but tougher and easier than A. cannabina. 2.4m, sun or light shade and ordinary soil.

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Althaea cannabina

Althaea cannabina£5.00

Clouds of very pretty light pink flowers on strong upright stems to 2.4m in all summer. Fingered leaves and unlike most of it's hollyhock relatives, no rust. Easy and perennial, for ordinary soil in sun.

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Althaea officinalis

Althaea officinalis£5.00

Marshmallow. Clumps of upright stems clad with grayish leaves and topped with spires of palest pink flowers with darker middles in summer. 2.4m.

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Amsonia elliptica

Amsonia elliptica£5.00

Tight clumps of upright stems topped with clusters of starry, porcelaine blue flowers in late spring and summer to 45cm. Broad, fresh green leaves that turn yellow in autumn. Drained soil in sun.

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Amsonia ex. 'Ernst Pagels'

Amsonia ex. 'Ernst Pagels'£5.50

Seedlings from the excellent Amsonia 'Ernst Pagels'. It has proved very fertile and produces strong seedlings. Hopefully tall, willowy plants topped with large light blue flowers and good autumn colour.

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Anthericum ramosum

Anthericum ramosum£5.00

Bulbous perennial with grassy grey-green leaves and branched spikes of white flowers in summer. Well drained soil in full sun. 45cm.

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Aquilegia buergeriana

Aquilegia buergeriana£5.00

Unusual soft yellow and reddish purple flowers on airy stems to 90cm on this species from Japan. Best in part or light shade and ordinary soil.

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Aquilegia desertorum

Aquilegia desertorum£5.00

A small species from high altitude in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah in the USA. Grey ferny foliage (often slightly variegated) and delicate red and pale yellow flowers to 30cm.

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Aquilegia rockii

Aquilegia rockii£5.00

Rarely cultivated species with elegant dusky purple flowers on an open plant to 50cm. Reminiscent of Aquilegia ecalcarata but larger and easier! Good soil in part shade.

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Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nivea'

Aquilegia vulgaris 'Nivea'£5.00

'Munstead White' Classic creamy white flowers over glaucous green foliage in spring. Easy in ordinary soil in sun or part shade, to 75cm.

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Arisaema candidissimum

Arisaema candidissimum£14.50

Amazing white spathes with pink candy stripes inside appear slightly before the leaves in late spring. Big rounded trifoliate leaves make an attractive feature later. Good soil that never sits wet in shade. Flowers to 30cm, leaves to 75cm.

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Arisaema flavum

Arisaema flavum£7.50

Cute little flowers, butter yellow on top fading into creamy with greenish markings below. Attractive foliage and spikes of red berries later. 40cm. Hardy.

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Aristolochia fimbriata

Aristolochia fimbriata£8.50

Unusual small species with pale green leaves veined in silver on low spreading plants. The flowers are frankly bizarre, white-green with brown and pale yellow "faces". Light shade, shelter.

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Arum 'Chameleon'

Arum 'Chameleon'£5.00

AGM A stunning winter-green type with large mid green leaves with a heavy pewter marbling over most of the leaf, just a narrow band of plain green round the edges. Typical pale flowers in late winter. 40cm. Average soil in part shade.

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Arum italicum ssp italicum 'XXL'

Arum italicum ssp italicum 'XXL'£6.00

Wintergreen with faintly veined large rich green foliage. Yet to see full size here. Best in good soil in at least some shade.

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