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Althaea officinalis

Althaea officinalis
Price:  £5.00

Brand:  The Plantsman's Preference
Family:  Malvaceae
Main Season:  Summer
Flower Colour:  Pink
Leaf Colour:  Green
Foliage:  Deciduous
Position:  Sun
Soil Type:  Ordinary, medium loam
Height:  1.8m to 2.4m (6' to 8')
Peat Free?  Yes
Hardiness Guide:  RHS H7 minimum at least -20C
Pot Size:  9cm



Approx. 48 in stock

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Marshmallow. Clumps of upright stems clad with grayish leaves and topped with spires of palest pink flowers with darker middles in summer. 2.4m.

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