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Valeriana montana

Valeriana montana

Brand:  The Plantsman's Preference
Family:  Caprifoliaceae
Main Season:  Summer
Flower Colour:  Pink
Leaf Colour:  Green
Foliage:  Deciduous
Position:  Light/Part Shade
Soil Type:  Ordinary, medium loam
Height:  15cm to 30cm (6" to 12")
Peat Free?  Yes
Hardiness Guide:  RHS H7 minimum at least -20C
Pot Size:  9cm



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Low growing clumps of fresh green leaves produce heads of scented pinkish white flowers on stems to 30cm in late spring and summer. Good soil in part/light shade best.

A longer lived species than many Valeriana as the clumps will slowly spread to form patches.  A very pretty and different perennial for the front of the border.

Native to the mountains of southern and central Europe.

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