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We grow a wide range of perennials including a comprehensive range of Hardy Geraniums and lots of good Ornamental Grasses, not to forget the large number of new, rare and unusual herbaceous perennials, especially those for shade/woodland. Please use the Refine options on the left or the Plant Selector to help choose, or the Search box at the top of every page to find specific plants, or just enjoy browsing!

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Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Hanne'

Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Hanne'£5.00

A new form from Denmark with lovely soft rich pink flowers with near white edges - a reverse picotee. Evergreen foliage on a low carpet for ordinary soil in sun or light shade. 20cm.

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Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Karmina'

Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Karmina'£5.00

Deep pink flowers from late spring to early summer over a low spreading carpet of evergreen leaves, use around medium-sized perennials or grasses. Any drained soil in sun or light shade, 20cm

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Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Leanne'

Geranium x cantabrigiense 'Leanne'£5.50

A new cultivar from Alan Bremner (2024) with clear pink flowers with a distinct white centre held well above the evergreen foliage. Good autumn colour. 20cm.

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Geranium x oxonianum 'Elworthy Misty'

Geranium x oxonianum 'Elworthy Misty'£5.00

Clumps of rich green leaves heavily blotched with chocolate brown and masses of pink flowers densely netted with deeper pink veins. Ordinary soil in sun or light shade, to 40cm.

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Geranium x oxonianum 'Moundmaster'

Geranium x oxonianum 'Moundmaster'£5.00

Neat mounds of chocolate brown blotched light green leaves and palest pink flowers with deeper veining from May to October. Cut back to tidy up if needed. 40cm. Sun.

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Geranium x oxonianum 'Phantom'

Geranium x oxonianum 'Phantom'£5.00

A recent selection from John Tuite with very heavily marked leaves, purplish brown on mid green. Deep pink flowers with deeper veins. Clumps for ordinary soil in sun or light shade.

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Geranium x oxonianum 'Red Sceptre'

Geranium x oxonianum 'Red Sceptre'£5.00

A medium sized plant with brown spotted leaves and narrow petalled flowers densely veined with a reddish pink. Average soil in sun or light shade. 40cm.

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Geranium x oxonianum 'Something Special'

Geranium x oxonianum 'Something Special'£5.00

The name says it all! Heavily dark chocolate brown marked foliage and masses of brilliant deep pink flowers from May to September. Can be cut back to tidy in summer if needed. Sun, average soil. 45cm.

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Geranium x oxonianum 'Stillingfleet Keira'

Geranium x oxonianum 'Stillingfleet Keira'£5.00

Bright pink flowers with darker veining on a mid-sized plant to about 40cm. Average soil in sun or light shade.

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Geum 'Bell Bank'

Geum 'Bell Bank'£5.00

Showy flowers of a soft pinkish red, large open bowl shaped with ruffled petals. Dense clumps to 30cm. Best in good soil in part shade.

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Geum 'Bremner's Nectarine'

Geum 'Bremner's Nectarine'£5.00

From Geranium breeder Alan Bremner, this large flowered soft orange variety has a long flowering season from spring well into late summer. 20cm. Decent soil in part shade.

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Geum 'Farmer John Cross'

Geum 'Farmer John Cross'£5.00

Light yellow flowers on reddish stems in spring from this more compact form. Decent soil in light shade seems to suit it well. 30cm.

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Geum 'Lemon Drops'

Geum 'Lemon Drops'£5.00

Clumps of fresh green leaves and short stems bearing nodding flowers of pale lemon in spring.

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Geum 'Pink Frills'

Geum 'Pink Frills'£5.00

Popular form with soft pink, ruffled flowers on nodding stems to 30cm. Average soil in sun or light shade.

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Geum 'Prinses Juliana'

Geum 'Prinses Juliana'£5.00

Clear orange flowers on this variety. Average to good soil in sun or light shade. 45cm.

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Geum 'Rijnstroom'

Geum 'Rijnstroom'£5.00

Semi-double flowers of a warm coppery orange on slightly nodding stems to 50cm. Clumps of tidy foliage. Average to good soil in sun or part shade.

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Geum 'Rusty Young'

Geum 'Rusty Young'£5.00

Pale yellow flowers from orangey buds on dark purple red stems and calyces. Low growing compact plants for a lightly shaded border with good soil. Flowers spring into early summer. 30cm.

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Geum 'Savanna Sunset'

Geum 'Savanna Sunset'£5.00

A new introduction with pale peachy flowers on reddish brown stems over a spreading clump of fresh green leaves. A good spring border plant that will continue into early summer. 40cm.

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Gift Card

Gift Card£2.50

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Gladiolus 'Ruby' (papilio hybrid)

Gladiolus 'Ruby' (papilio hybrid)£6.00

Stunning two-tone ruby red hooded flowers on this natural looking Gladiolus. Makes an excellent garden plant and will increase well in drained soil in full sun. 90cm.

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Glandularia corymbosa

Glandularia corymbosa£5.00

(Verbena corymbosa) Delightful light purple flowers in dense heads from mid summer to autumn to 45cm. Hardy and fully herbaceous in cold winters. Good soil in sun.

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Glycyrrhiza uralensis

Glycyrrhiza uralensis£7.50

Clumps of upright stems clothed with glossy green pinnate leaves, producing rounded heads of purple-blue flowers in summer. Fuzzy, russet seedpods in autumn are attractive. 1.2m. Good soil in sun.

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Gomphostigma virgatum

Gomphostigma virgatum£12.00

A splendid recent introduction this small shrub has bright silver lanceolate foliage and cup shaped white flowers from mid-summer. Prune in spring. Good soil in sun. 1m.

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Hedera algeriensis 'Ravensholst'

Hedera algeriensis 'Ravensholst'£5.00

AGM Stunning large deep green triangular leaves on reddish stems. Makes a good glossy groundcover in a sheltered shady spot. Potentially a large climber.

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Hedera helix 'Atropurpurea'

Hedera helix 'Atropurpurea'£5.00

An unusual form of ivy with dark green leaves that turn almost black in winter with grey-white veins. Loved by garden designers for growing up white walls!

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