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We grow a wide range of perennials including a comprehensive range of Hardy Geraniums and lots of good Ornamental Grasses, not to forget the large number of new, rare and unusual herbaceous perennials, especially those for shade/woodland. Please use the Refine options on the left or the Plant Selector to help choose, or the Search box at the top of every page to find specific plants, or just enjoy browsing!

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Cuphea 'Roxy'

Cuphea 'Roxy'£5.00

TENDER A bushy perennial producing masses of ruby red tubular flowers with light pinkish tips from late spring till the frosts. Best kept frost free overwinter. 30cm.

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Dahlia merckii

Dahlia merckii£5.50

A beautiful and fairly hardy species with masses of soft lilac pink flowers with golden centres from midsummer into late autumn on wiry stems to 1.2m. Drained soil in full sun with a deep mulch or protect in winter.

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Deschampsia cespitosa

Deschampsia cespitosa£5.00

Tussocks of long narrow rich green foliage and purple tinted bronze-gold flowers in early summer to 75cm-1.2m. Best in some shade and not too rich soil.

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Deschampsia cespitosa 'Bronzeschleier'

Deschampsia cespitosa 'Bronzeschleier'£5.00

Clumps of narrow, deep green leaves and slender, arching stems bearing metallic bronze flower panicles from early summer, they turn buff with age. Average soil in sun or light shade. 1m.

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Deschampsia cespitosa 'Schottland'

Deschampsia cespitosa 'Schottland'£5.00

Evergreen clumps of long narrow leaves produce arching stems with bronzey-buff open panicles on early summer. Seed heads are held until winter. 90cm. Good soil in shade for best effect.

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Deschampsia cespitosa 'Waldschatt'

Deschampsia cespitosa 'Waldschatt'£5.00

A very showy German variety which makes clumps of dark green leaves and tall golden stems topped with silky bronze flowers to 1.2m in late spring. Golden buff seedheads until mid-winter. Average soil in shade or better soil in sun.

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Desmodium canadense

Desmodium canadense£5.50

Striking pink pea-like flowers on an upright plant - looks like a shrub but is herbaceous. Relatively large trifoliate leaves add to the "what's that?" impact. 1.2m.

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Dianthus 'Tatra Fragrance'

Dianthus 'Tatra Fragrance'£6.50

Heavily fringed, near white flowers with a central crimson ring that extends into a bar down the centre of each petal. A compact pink for rockery or front of border in full sun and drained soil. 20cm.

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Dianthus amurensis

Dianthus amurensis£4.50

A delightful herbaceous Pink from the Amur river valley area. Upright stems topped with generous heads of violet flowers in summer. Drained soil in sun. Easy and very hardy. 30cm.

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Dianthus carthusianorum

Dianthus carthusianorum£5.00

Clumps of blue-grey foliage send up tall, arching, wiry stems topped with clusters of magenta flowers in early summer. Excellent for mixing with ornamental grasses. Ordinary soil in sun. 80cm.

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Dianthus superbus

Dianthus superbus£4.50

A beautiful and easy herbaceous perennial species with heads of fimbriate pinkish flowers to c. 45cm. Relatively short lived so allow to self-sow. Ordinary soil in sun.

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Diarrhena japonica

Diarrhena japonica£7.20

Neat clumps of glossy green, ribbon-like, leaves will produce arching stems of fine flowers from midsummer to 60cm. Best in at least some shade.

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Dierama ambiguum seedlings

Dierama ambiguum seedlings£4.50

Dense clumps of fine grassy leaves and arching stems to 60-90cm bearing clusters of pink flowers in summer. Drained but good soil in full sun. Variable?

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Digitalis davisiana

Digitalis davisiana£5.00

A perennial foxglove with rosettes of fresh green evergreen foliage and spikes of pale yellow flowers with milk chocolate brown markings to 90cm. Ordinary soil in sun or light shade.

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Dipsacus inermis

Dipsacus inermis£7.20

Creamy white flowers on strong stems to 1.8m over rosettes of softly bristly-hairy leaves. An attractive alternative for a larger border. Best in decent soil in sun.

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Disporopsis aspersa

Disporopsis aspersa£5.50

An eager species with glossy, evergreen foliage and smallish white bells in late spring. Decent soil in shade. 40cm.

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Disporopsis bakeri

Disporopsis bakeri£6.00

A form with more narrow leaves giving a slightly more refined and "lighter" look in the garden. Clumps of evergreen foliage with white and green bells in early summer. 30cm. Best in good soil in shade.

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Disporopsis fuscopicta

Disporopsis fuscopicta£5.50

Evergreen stems are spotted and speckled purple at the bases with greeny white flowers with brown markings in spring. 45cm. A very choice woodlander for a good leafy soil in shade.

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Disporopsis luzoniensis B&SJW3891

Disporopsis luzoniensis B&SJW3891£5.00

Lush evergreen foliage on arching stems to 40cm. Off-white bell-like flowers hang from the stems and are followed by purple berries. Good soil in a sheltered shady spot.

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Disporopsis nova

Disporopsis nova£8.50

New to cultivation this species has shiny, evergreen leaves, quite narrow and held on stems to 40cm. Lots of whitish flowers with green/brown speckles in late spring to early summer. Good soil in shade.

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Disporopsis pernyi B&SWJ1864

Disporopsis pernyi B&SWJ1864£6.50

This collection has narrower leaves and is shorter than normal. A plant for leafy soil in shade. Forms a dense patch in time. 20cm.

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Disporopsis pernyi coll. China

Disporopsis pernyi coll. China£6.00

Collected by Chris Brickell in the 1970s and sold by Washfield.  Evergreen Solomon's Seal relative with white flowers marked with brown in late spring. 35cm. Good soil in shade, even quite dark.

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Disporopsis sp from Japan

Disporopsis sp from Japan£6.00

New to us this more compact species makes neat clumps to 25cm. Like an evergreen Solomon's Seal and a useful evergreen groundcover for shade.

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Disporopsis undulata

Disporopsis undulata£5.50

A more or less evergreen relative of Solomon's Seal. Broad light green leaves on curved stems to 40cm, with ivory flowers stained green in late spring and early summer. Ordinary soil in shade, even quite dark.

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Disporum viridescens

Disporum viridescens£5.00

Patches of upright stems well clothed with fresh green leaves and greenish white flowers in late spring. A fresh looking plant for shade, ordinary soil. Deciduous. 45cm.

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