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We grow a wide range of perennials including a comprehensive range of Hardy Geraniums and lots of good Ornamental Grasses, not to forget the large number of new, rare and unusual herbaceous perennials, especially those for shade/woodland. Please use the Refine options on the left or the Plant Selector to help choose, or the Search box at the top of every page to find specific plants, or just enjoy browsing!

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Sisyrinchium palmifolium

Sisyrinchium palmifolium£5.00

Very different to most species with many clear yellow flowers in hefty clusters on top of branched stems to 40-50cm through summer. Quite leafy. Average soil in sun and shelter.

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Spartium junceum

Spartium junceum£8.50

AGM A shrubby, broom-like, plant with sparsely leafed branches festooned with golden yellow pea-like flowers in early summer. Strongly scented. Drained soil, sun. 2m.

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Spiraea decumbens

Spiraea decumbens£5.00

Low clumps of bright fresh green foliage studded with heads of pure white flowers in summer on fine wiry stems. Front of border or larger rockeries, to 20-30cm. Sun.

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Spodiopogon sibiricus

Spodiopogon sibiricus£5.00

Miscanthus-like clumps of upright culms bearing broad, deep green, leaves with a white central stripe. Silvery pnik flowers in autumn. Good soil in sun. 1.4m.

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Sporobolus airoides

Sporobolus airoides£4.50

Dense clumps of fine, pale green foliage and silky spikes of golden flowers in late summer. Orange-red autumn foliage as well! Average soil in sun. 45cm.

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Stipa calamagrostis

Stipa calamagrostis£5.00

AGM Clumps of upright stems with mid green leaves to 90cm. Topped with soft plumes of feathery golden buff flowers in late summer. Best in good, drained soil in full sun.

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Stipa calamagrostis 'Algäu'

Stipa calamagrostis 'Algäu'£5.50

AGM An excellent, slightly taller, form of this pretty grass. Golden green flowers turn golden buff from midsummer and hold all winter. 1m. Drained soil in sun.

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Stipa capillata

Stipa capillata£5.00

Neat clumps of fine green foliage and slender stems to 75cm topped with clusters of long awned golden flowers in summer. Drained soil in full sun.

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Stipa extremiorientalis

Stipa extremiorientalis£4.50

Tight clumps of broad, pale green leaves and tall, arching stems bearing spikes of awned yellow-green flowers in late summer to 1.5m. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade.

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Stipa lessingiana

Stipa lessingiana£5.00

Clumps of very fine bright green leaves and wispy pale buff flowers in summer to 70cm. Hardier and a little bigger than the well known Stipa tenuissima. Drained soil in sun.

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Stipa pseudoichu

Stipa pseudoichu£5.00

Slow growing clumps of upright foliage to 80cm and tall arching stems topped with silvery plumes to 1.4m in summer. Average soil in sun.

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Stipa tenuissima

Stipa tenuissima£4.50

AGM Hair-like bright green foliage to 40cm. the flowers fountain up and form a light layer of wispy hair-like material over the top of the foliage. Drained soil in sun.

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Strobilanthes wallichii

Strobilanthes wallichii£7.50

Eye-catching blue-purple tubular flowers in late summer and autumn on neat bushy plants covered with broad hairy leaves. Drained soil in a sunny position. 45cm.

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Stylophorum lasiocarpum

Stylophorum lasiocarpum£5.00

A cracking, clump-forming, poppy relative for shade with masses of generous yellow flowers in spring and summer. Easy, hardy and well behaved. 40cm.

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Succisa pratensis

Succisa pratensis£4.50

Devil's-bit scabious. A delightful soft but rich blue flowered native scabious with the bobbles of flower dancing above the foliage on wiry stems. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 60cm.

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Succisella inflexa 'Frosted Pearls'

Succisella inflexa 'Frosted Pearls'£5.00

A scabious relative producing clouds of silvery white button-like flowers with a hint of pink all summer to 90cm. Hard to describe adequately! Ordinary soil in some sun.

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Symphyotrichum 'Anja's Choice'

Symphyotrichum 'Anja's Choice'£5.00

A favourite hybrid Aster with palest pink flowers on dense bushy plants in autumn. Pale yellow centres turn to pinkish red. Mildew resistant. Best in good soil in full sun. 75cm.

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Symphyotrichum 'Kylie'

Symphyotrichum 'Kylie'£7.00

An easy, reliable and tough hybrid (A. novae-angliae x A. ericoides) with arching stems carrying large sprays of thousands of small pink flowers in late summer and autumn. Best cascading down a slope or over a wall. 50cm. Sun.

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Symphyotrichum 'Little Carlow'

Symphyotrichum 'Little Carlow'£6.50

AGM. Clumps of upright, branching stems with masses of lavender flowers in autumn. Dark stems and foliage contrast well. 1m Average soil in sun or part shade.

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Symphyotrichum 'Oktoberkaskade'

Symphyotrichum 'Oktoberkaskade'£5.00

A striking recent introduction from Sarastro with a mass of lavender blue flowers on dark stems and leaves in October onwards. Arching, cascading habit. 90cm.

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Symphyotrichum cordifolium 'Blue Heaven'

Symphyotrichum cordifolium 'Blue Heaven'£5.00

Taller and upright this lovely lavender blue flowered autumn daisy glows as the nights draw in. Rich green foliage provides a good contrast. Good soil. 1.4m.

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Symphyotrichum cordifolium ex. Piney Fork

Symphyotrichum cordifolium ex. Piney Fork£6.50

Collected from a site destined for development! Branching stems bearing lots of lavender-blue flowers in late summer and autumn. 1m.

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Symphyotrichum ericoides 'Pink Cloud'

Symphyotrichum ericoides 'Pink Cloud'£5.00

AGM Bolt upright clumps with fine foliage and clouds of pink flowers in autumn to 75cm. Average soil in sun. Good with autumn grasses.

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Symphyotrichum graetae KM.K.186.02

Symphyotrichum graetae KM.K.186.02£5.50

New to cultivation in the UK as far as I can tell this autumn flowering species is a showy surprise. Bright, light lavender flowers for many weeks to 75cm.

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Symphyotrichum laeve 'Glow in the Dark'

Symphyotrichum laeve 'Glow in the Dark'£5.00

An outstanding recent introduction with purple flushed deep green leaves and heads of light pink flowers in autumn to 1.5m. Reasonably self-supporting!

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