All Perennials

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Bidens aurea 'Hannay's Lemon Drop'

Bidens aurea 'Hannay's Lemon Drop'£5.00

An elegant, tall, late summer and autumn daisy with bright yellow flowers with white tips to the petals on strong stems to 1.5m. Good soil in sun.

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Bistorta amplexicaulis 'Alba'

Bistorta amplexicaulis 'Alba'£5.00

AGM Slender white spikes over large pale green leaves in summer. Decent soil in light shade. 90cm.

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Bistorta amplexicaulis 'Red Baron'

Bistorta amplexicaulis 'Red Baron'£5.50

AGM An introduction from Belgian Collection Holder Chris Ghyselen. Compact plants with dense spikes of rich red flowers from midsummer till the frosts. 60cm.

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Bistorta amplexicaulis Taurus 'Blotau'

Bistorta amplexicaulis Taurus 'Blotau'£5.00

One of the best, older forms with masses of good sized spikes of ruby red flowers from midsummer til late autumn. Clumps to 1.2m. Ordinary to good soil in sun or light shade.

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Campanula poscharskyana 'E H Frost'

Campanula poscharskyana 'E H Frost'£5.00

Brilliant edging plant with icy blue flowers to 35cm. Low growing, carpeting habit. Full sun or part shade, drained soil.

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Cardamine glanduligera

Cardamine glanduligera£5.00

Stunning, rich purple flowers in small clusters on stems to 15cm. Glossy leaves, divided into three are sparingly produced. Slowly forms a loose patch in good, drained soil in shade.

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Cardamine yezoensis B&SWJ4659

Cardamine yezoensis B&SWJ4659£5.00

Spreading patches of pinnate pale green leaves and upright stems with open heads of white flowers in spring. Good soil in at least part shade. 45cm.

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Centaurea dealbata 'Steenbergii'

Centaurea dealbata 'Steenbergii'£7.20

Clumps of jagged leaves with silvery grey undersides produce deep, bright, pink cornflowers from bronze buds to 75cm. Summer-Autumn. Drained soil in sun or part shade.

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Cephalaria alpina

Cephalaria alpina£5.00

A big creamy yellow scabious that's more compact! Strong wiry upright, branching stems from rosettes of hairy leaves bear lovely pale yellow flowers to 1.8m. Insect heaven. Average soil in sun.

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Chrysanthemum 'E H Wilson'

Chrysanthemum 'E H Wilson'£7.20

Masses of scented creamy flowers, with two layers of "petals" in autumn. May be a wild collection. An elegant upright plant ideal for mixing with other plants. 80cm.

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Chrysanthemum 'Early Yellow'

Chrysanthemum 'Early Yellow'£7.20

Attractive light yellow flowers with golden centres on elegant plants to 80cm. Hardy in a drained, average soil in sun.

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Chrysanthemum 'Perry's Peach'

Chrysanthemum 'Perry's Peach'£7.20

AGM Glowing peach pink flowers that start richly coloured and fade as they age. A favourite here. Drained good soil in sun, 60cm.

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Chrysanthemum 'Ray's Red'

Chrysanthemum 'Ray's Red'£7.20

Compact domes of ludicrous orange-red pompoms in autumn. Looks like a bedding plant but is actually a good hardy border plant. Drained soil in sun, 40cm.

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Chrysanthemum 'Suffolk Pink'

Chrysanthemum 'Suffolk Pink'£7.20

Excellent upright bushy plants with masses of large deep pink flowers October to November (December). Average soil in sun, 1.2m.

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Chrysosplenium macrophyllum

Chrysosplenium macrophyllum£5.00

Rosettes of broad, reddish-brown flushed green foliage and heads of green flushed white flowers, with pinkish stamens, surrounded by bracts in late winter.

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Codonopsis lanceolata

Codonopsis lanceolata£5.00

Amazing large (thumble-size) creamy bells with rich maroon markings inside on a twining herbaceous perennial to 2.4m-3m. Easy and hardy - a good plant to confuse your friends!

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Commelina dianthifolia

Commelina dianthifolia£5.00

Brilliant blue flowers, like a Tradescantia, on grassy foliage to 30cm. A rarely seen clump forming tuberous plant for a well drained, warm, sunny position. Hardy in most of the UK.

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Commelina tuberosa Coelestis 'Alba'

Commelina tuberosa Coelestis 'Alba'£6.00

A striking white flowered form of this tuberous hardy perennial. A long succession of flowers from midsummer to the frosts, 50cm. Sun or light shade, shelter.

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Convallaria keiskei

Convallaria keiskei£5.00

Rarely seen this species is much larger than the common C. majalis. Broad green leaves and slightly arching stems of white flowers are followed by showy orange berries. Average to good soil in shade. 30cm.

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Convallaria majalis ex Tatra Mtns

Convallaria majalis ex Tatra Mtns£5.00

Wild collected form with light fawn-pink flowers and somewhat narrower leaves than commonly cultivated types. 20cm. Good soil in shade.

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Coreopsis tripteris

Coreopsis tripteris£5.00

A tough, reliable hardy perennial with willowy stems to 1.2m or more, topped with scented golden daisies in summer. Good soil in sun. Quite different to the low growing types.

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Corydalis 'Craigton Blue'

Corydalis 'Craigton Blue'£5.00

A new hybrid between C. elata and C. flexuosa with mid green leaves and brilliant electric blue flowers on red stems. Strongly sweet scented flowering in late spring and early summer. Good soil in shade. 30cm.

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Corydalis 'Spinners'

Corydalis 'Spinners'£5.00

(C. elata x C. flexuosa) The first of these hybrids this is a good tough plant. More or less evergreen, fresh green foliage produces upright stems topped with big heads of bright blue, scented flowers in mid-late spring. 50cm. Good soil in shade.

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Corydalis 'Wildside Blue'

Corydalis 'Wildside Blue'£5.00

A lovely hybrid from Keith Wiley with bright blue flowers over ferny, light green, foliage in spring and early summer. Decent soil in shade. 30cm.

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Corydalis flexuosa 'Hale Cat'

Corydalis flexuosa 'Hale Cat'£4.50

A compact form with light green foliage and heads of electric blue flowers to 30cm in early spring, and later if it doesn't dry out. Shade, reasonable soil.

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